“Monks, these four types of people who are capable, educated, and self-possessed, who have studied much, memorized the teachings, and have practiced the teachings according with the teachings make the assembly shine bright.
What four?
1) A monk who is capable, educated, and self-possessed, who has studied much, memorized the teachings, and has practiced the teachings according with the teachings makes the assembly shine bright.
2) A nun who is capable, educated, and self-possessed, who has studied much, memorized the teachings, and has practiced the teachings according with the teachings makes the assembly shine bright.
3) A layman who is capable, educated, and self-possessed, who has studied much, memorized the teachings, and has practiced the teachings according with the teachings makes the assembly shine bright.
4) A laywoman who is capable, educated, and self-possessed, who has studied much, memorized the teachings, and has practiced the teachings according with the teachings makes the assembly shine bright.
These are the four types of people who are capable, educated, and self-possessed, who have studied much, memorized the teachings, and have practiced the teachings according with the teachings and make the assembly shine bright.
One who is capable and self-possessed,
who has studied much and has memorized the teachings,
who practices the teaching according to the teaching,
Such a person is said to shine bright in the assembly.
Whether a monk accomplished in virtue,
A nun who has studied much,
A layman who has faith,
Or a laywoman who has faith,
Yes, these make the assembly shine bright!
Surely, these shine bright in the assembly!”
“Cattārome, bhikkhave, viyattā vinītā visāradā bahussutā dhammadharā dhammānudhammappaṭipannā saṅghaṁ sobhenti. Katame cattāro? Bhikkhu, bhikkhave, viyatto vinīto visārado bahussuto dhammadharo dhammānudhammappaṭipanno saṅghaṁ sobheti. Bhikkhunī, bhikkhave, viyattā vinītā visāradā bahussutā dhammadharā dhammānudhammappaṭipannā saṅghaṁ sobheti. Upāsako, bhikkhave, viyatto vinīto visārado bahussuto dhammadharo dhammānudhammappaṭipanno saṅghaṁ sobheti. Upāsikā, bhikkhave, viyattā vinītā visāradā bahussutā dhammadharā dhammānudhammappaṭipannā saṅghaṁ sobheti.
Ime kho, bhikkhave, cattāro viyattā vinītā visāradā bahussutā dhammadharā dhammānudhammappaṭipannā saṅghaṁ sobhentīti.
Yo hoti viyatto ca visārado ca,
Bahussuto dhammadharo ca hoti;
Dhammassa hoti anudhammacārī,
Sa tādiso vuccati saṅghasobhano.
Bhikkhu ca sīlasampanno,
bhikkhunī ca bahussutā;
Upāsako ca yo saddho,
yā ca saddhā upāsikā;
Ete kho saṅghaṁ sobhenti,
ete hi saṅghasobhanā”