Video Premier! – “Recluse in Seattle: A Forest Monastery’s Aspiration”

Sep 2, 2024 | Newsletters

After a great deal of work, “Recluse in Seattle: A Forest Monastery’s Aspiration,” a video introducing Clear Mountain, is ready! The 4-and-a-half minute video describes the aspiring monastery’s unique vision—a community of monks, accessible to Seattle and founded on the principle of generosity, that might also serve as the hub of a flourishing community of lay practitioners (a detailed description of the vision may be found here).

The video represents the result of many hours of selfless work offered by members of the community, in particular Jen McGowan, who directed, produced, and edited the video. Also of very special note is Dave Getzschman, who spent long hours gathering the majority of B-roll footage used. Others who generously gave their time include Jonathan Benson (JB), Kevin O’Donnell, Chia-Yung Wu, Art Lozinsky, & Rahul Tirumalareddy. An excerpt from Jen’s introduction of the video on Saturday, August 31st, can be found below. With deep appreciation to all those who have come together in creating a vision of such refuge!

May all beings be well!

Jen’s Introduction

Jennifer McGowan, who directed, edited, and produced the video, introduced it to the Clear Mountain community on Saturday, Aug. 31st.

“A little over two years ago, I decided to quit my job without a backup plan. I’d been working as a Producer in corporate marketing, and I’d reached a point where that work was no longer rewarding. 

I wasn’t entirely sure what I was going to do next. All I knew was that I wanted to focus on work that felt like it mattered.

After I left my job, I did what many of us here would probably do – I went on a meditation retreat!

Ajahn Nisabho was leading the meditation for that retreat, and that’s where I learned about Clear Mountain, and joined the community. 

A few months later, there was a post on the Discord server, asking if anyone knew how to edit video, so I reached out. And next thing I knew, I had volunteered not only as Editor, but also as Producer and Director. 

This video has messages about community and generosity. The process of creating this video has been a testament in itself to the power of community. Without the support of the volunteers who contributed their time and energy, this project wouldn’t have been possible (or it just might not have turned out quite so nicely).

I want to recognize JB and Kevin, who both offered their expertise (and equipment) to film the interviews. And also Dave and Chia who captured an incredible amount of beautiful b-roll footage. Rahul and Art who helped shuttle the team around and made sure we were all fed. My husband Alex who helped me with the finishing stages of the edit. And also to the folks within the community who gave their time to be filmed – we’ll be using those interviews in other videos as well. 

And lastly I want to recognize Ajahn Nisabho and Ajahn Kovilo who put their trust in me, and offered immeasurable patience and encouragement throughout the process. I’m grateful that I was able to take that first step into the unknown, which led me here to be part of this very meaningful project. 

So, thank you, it’s been a genuine pleasure.”

Video Credits

Director & Producer: Jen McGowan 
Director of Photography (Interviews): Jonathan Benson (JB) & Kevin O’Donnell
Director of Photography (B-roll): Dave Getzschman
Camera Operator (B-roll): Chia-Yung Wu
Additional Production Support: Art Lozinsky & Rahul Tirumalareddy
Editor: Jen McGowan

The Buddha described many routes towards cultivating the spacious heart and mind, from developing a sense of boundless compassion to the perception of infinite space. Ajahn Nisabho and Ajahn Kovilo will offer talks, meditation instructions, and interviews. Join for two days of meditation and teachings, 9 am – 5 pm on Saturday, Oct. 5th, and Sunday, Oct. 6th, at the Twisp Valley Grange in Twisp, WA (344 W 2nd Ave, Twisp, WA). Note that Clear Mountain’s weekly Saturday gathering in Seattle will still be held as usual with Ajahn Kovilo present. To learn more, click this link or the button below. To register, email