Home Events Clear Mountain Annual Almsgiving Celebration: Finding a Refuge

Clear Mountain Annual Almsgiving Celebration: Finding a Refuge

Saturday, June 28th, 9:30 am – 2 pm at St. Mark’s Cathedral’s Bloedel Hall (enter through back of cathedral), 1245 10th Ave E. Those unable to attend in-person are also welcome to tune in via Zoom or YouTube livestream. To participate in chanting, use this online Chanting Book.

Join the Clear Mountain community from 9:30 am – 2 pm on Sat. June 28th, in celebrating the past three years of a growing community and gathering support for the next phase of the monastery. At the event, we’ll welcome several visiting elder monastics to the community (stay tuned!).

Traditionally, Almsgiving Ceremonies (ผ้าป่า “Pah Bah” in Thai) are the primary event initiated and organized by the lay community in support of monasteries. Every year, many in the community spread word of the event among their friends and family, getting the wider community excited and engaged. We come together in celebration and support of the monastics, their practice and their service to the community by offering food, cloth, requisites, and financial support for the monastery itself.

“Clear Mountain Annual Almsgiving Celebration: Finding a Refuge”, is being held this year to gather support for the purchase of land and buildings for the future monastery.   

Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in all or any part of the celebration. Feel free to offer food at the potluck, and participate in the joyful feast! Those unable to attend in-person are welcome to tune in via Zoom or YouTube livestream. Welcome!

9:00 – 9:30 am:
People arriving & settling in
9:30 – 10 am: Welcome, introduction, & guided meditation
10 – 10:45 am: Dhamma talk by visiting monastic
10:45 am – 12:30 pm: Monastics receive food & chant blessing. All share a potluck meal
12:30 – 1:15 pm: Almsgiving Ceremony
1 – 2 pm: Dhamma talk by visiting monastic & closing reflection
2 – 3 pm: Group photo, cleanup, & hobnobbing with new friends!

What to Bring
– A cushion to sit on if you want, though chairs will be available as well, and your love of practice!
– An optional potluck dish to share.

Almsgiving Ceremonies (or ผ้าป่า “Pah Bah” in Thai) are a beautiful and significant way to financially support the monastics and the founding of a monastery. Support gathered at this year’s ceremony will go towards Clear Mountain’s Land and Building Fund, and support the monastery’s future development. Those who wish to contribute to Clear Mountain’s future home by donating to the Land & Building Fund may do so by visiting www.friendsofclearmountain.org, the website of Clear Mountain’s steward organization. In your donation, feel free to note that your donation is made for the Almsgiving Ceremony.

Those driving may enter the campus at the north between the cathedral and the St. Nicholas Building – the location of the Gage Academy and Seattle Amistad School. They may then drive all the way to the back of the cathedral. Parking is free for Clear Mountain attendees even though signs in the lot indicate payment is required. If the lot is crowded, attendees may park at the Episcopal Diocese (1551 10th Ave E.) a block north of Saint Mark’s.  We encourage the use of public transportation when convenient, and the Seattle bus #49 stops at the corner of 10th Ave. and E Galer, just north of the meeting place.

Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 829 0911 4254 / Passcode: 917562

Zoom Link for Remote Participants

Visiting Monastics – To Be Announced
Stay tuned!

Biographies (Resident Monastics)

Ajahn Kovilo
Ajahn Kovilo is an Ohio-born monk who, having been introduced to meditation through the Goenka tradition, first entered the monastery in 2006. After receiving full ordination from Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Amaro at Abhayagiri Monastery in California in 2010, he spent the next decade training at monasteries in the Ajahn Chah tradition in America and Thailand. In 2020, after a year practicing at a Pa Auk Sayadaw monastery, Ajahn Kovilo enrolled at the Dharma Realm Buddhist University (DRBU) to study Pali and to better understand Mahāyāna practices. Having graduated from DRBU in 2024, Ajahn Kovilo has now joined the Clear Mountain community in person.

Ajahn Nisabho
After finishing college in 2012, Ajahn Nisabho left his native Washington to go forth as a Buddhist monk in Thailand. He received full ordination the following spring under Ajahn Anan, a senior disciple of renowned meditation master, Ajahn Chah, and spent the following years training in forest monasteries around the world with contemporary masters such as Ajahn Anan, Ajahn Pasanno, and Ajahn Jayasaro. Over these years, he came to believe the tradition represented a faithful embodiment of the original Buddhist path able to yield great fruit even amidst the complexities of modern life. In the summer of 2021, he returned to Seattle to plant the first seeds of Clear Mountain Monastery.


Jun 28 2025


9:30 am - 2:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jun 28 2025
  • Time: 12:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Saint Mark's Bloedel Hall


Saint Mark's Bloedel Hall
1245 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98102

Location 2


Location 3
